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  • CNC Milling Centers 4 and 5 Axis
  • CNC Horizontal Milling Centers
  • CNC Lathes
  • CNC Multi-Axis Mill Turning Center 
  • Sawing
  • Surface Grinding
  • Prototype & Special Machine Assemblies 
  • Coordinated Measuring Machines (CMM) 
  • Welding
  • Laser Marking
  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Defence
  • Medical
  • Gas / Power
  • Agriculture
  • Titanium
  • Nickel Based Alloys
  • High Temp Alloys
  • Stainless Steels
  • Aluminum
  • Plastic
  • Carbon Steel
  • Alloy Steel
Critical Tolerances, Speed, Reliability.

H&H Machine of Akron and Ravenna provide our clients with state of the art equipment and the turn-around time needed. We are continuing to improve our manufacturing production capabilities to meet the demands of our customers. Our highly trained staff is always working to better their skills to use the latest innovative technology.


Our diversification, dedication, and tenacity have allowed us to adapt to our clients changing needs. Our two facilities have over 68,000 sq. ft., including a 15,000 sq. ft. assembly area with 20 tons of lifting capacity, a full welding and sawing area, and a climate controlled inspection facility. We provide our customers with a broad range of services and strive to be your "one-stop-shop" from concept to engineering to final delivery.


The NEW QuickTECH T8 HYBRID combines powerful main spindle turning utilizing a 3 axis BMT-55 power turret with a sub spindle featuring a 4 axis gang slide, including a 360 degree B axis.  




  • Deckel Maho - DMU 125 5 axis machining center. 12,000 rpm spindle, 30 position tool changer, and a work area of
    49" x 34" x 31"


  • MORI SEIKI - GV503, 12,000rpmspindle, 30 position tool changer, and high pressure coolant system. Work area of
    20" x 24"and pallet changing capabilities.


  • Hurco MB2R - 24 station tool changer,
    16" x 32" table travel, 20" vertical travel, and ultimax 3 controls.


  • Hurco BMC 40 - 30 position tool changer, 30" x 40" table travel, 22" vertical travel, and 4th axis rotary table.

  • 2 Hurco BMC 50 - 20 station tool changer, 30" x 52" of table travel, 23" vertical travel

  • Cincinnati 1000 Sabre 19" x 39" table travel

  • Hurco VMX 42 - 24 position tool changer, 24" x 42" table travel, 24" vertical travel

  • Hurco VMX 64 - 32 position tool changer, 34" x 64" table travel, 30" vertical travel 

  • Enshu 650VX - 30 position tool changer, 27" x 63" table travel, 30" vertical travel

  • Chevalier 1640ADSurface Grinder,
    16 x 40" table


  • Landis #1 OD Grinder

  • Heald Rotary Grinder No.25A

  • Cincinnati # 2 Centerless Grinder

  • Norton OD Grinder 24" swing, 85" B.C. 

  • Megaflo M8710 dual head gun drill, with upgraded servo controls

  • H.Cegielski GRV554 Radial Drill Press

with Digital Readouts


  • SuperMax Vertical Mill -
    9" x 42" table travel


  • Shizuoka Galaxie Verticle Mill -
    11" x 51 5/8" table travel,
    with 28" of vertical height


  • Kondia Milling Machine - 9" x 42" table travel, with 28" of vertical height

  • Bridgeport Mill - 9" x 42" table travel

  • Mori Seiki SL-65 - MF-T6 controll, and a 30" swing over bed, 22" swing over carriage, 35" between centers

  • Mori Seiki SL-75 - MF-T6 controlls, and a 35" swing over bed, 22" swing over carriage, 60" between centers

  • Mori Seiki SL-300 - BMC/700 with Fanuc Control, 20" swing, 28" B.0 with live tooling Turning center

  • Victor Turning center 26" swing, 65" B.C., and 4" through spindle

  • Johnford St40 turning center 22" swing, 29" B.C, and 4" through spindle

  • Skt2500mts -18i-TB controls, 20" swing, mill head and sub spindle, 2-22 station tool magazines, 7 axis of movement

  • Cyclone VTL 74"Swing x 48"Height

  • Skt2500mts -181-TB controlls, 20" swing, mill head and sub spindle, 2-22 station tool magazines, 7 axis of movement

  • Warner & Swasey No. 5 Turret Lathe

  • 3 Warner & Swasey 3-A Turret Lathe




    40 Position Tool Changer. 118" of travel 
    of width, and 78" of height


  • Shibaura 4" Boring Mill BT1OB
    55" x 63" Rotary table, travel of
    69" wide x 57" height.


  • Shibaura 3" Boring Mill BT8D -
    35 1/2 " x 41 1/2" Rotary table
    42" height.


  • Shibaura 3" Boring Mill BT8C
    35" x 41 1/2" Rotary table 30" height.


  • Shibaura 5" Boring Mill -
    travel 98" wide by 76" height


  • Lucas Horizontal Mill
    3" spindle 34" x 50" table


  • Lucas Horizontal Mill No. 32
    4" spindle, 30" x 55" table

with Digital Readouts


  • Proeba Lathe -
    36" Swing x 168" Bed length


  • Wacheon Lathe -
    20" Swing x 60" Bed length


  • Moriseiki Lathe -
    20" Swing x 72" Bed length


  • Shenyang Lathe -
    30" Swing x 120" Bed length


  • Axelson 3020 Lathe -
    28" Swing x 144" Bed length


  • TOS Lathe -
    28" Swing x 156" Bed length


  • Bullard VTL -
    74" Swing x 54" Height


  • Webster and Bennett VTL -
    48" Swing


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